Thursday, October 31, 2019
A research paper on the burial and ceremonial traditions of egypt
A on the burial and ceremonial traditions of egypt compared to the romans and how it influenced america today - Research Paper Example Study of their beliefs and practices show that there existed a communication or interaction between the cultures of these two different continents, but any solid proof is still lacking. Later on, as believed, it is the influence of Christianity and that of Pilgrim Fathers led to the development of significant differences in the beliefs and practices of American cultures. In the case of Egypt, there was significant influence from Roman and Greek cultures. Thus, as time passed, there arose considerable differences among the cultures. A look into historical evidence proves that the practices related to the dead vary among various civilizations. However, it seems that all the civilizations share certain degree of similarity too. To illustrate, the Romans, Egyptians, and the ancient American civilizations like Mayan and Inca held the belief that the dead deserve some sort of rituals and planning. In addition, history proves that in societies the practices and beliefs undergo changes as ti me passes, and as civilizations decline. This work intends to look into the burial practices that existed among the ancient Egyptians and Romans, and it analyses if they had any influence on the American cultures. ... Consequently, their treatment of the dead varied accordingly. Ancient Egyptians buried their wealthy in expensive tombs which were filled with artifacts and wall paintings depicting families during their everyday lives. However, one can see that as time progresses, the positive outlook of the Egyptians about the afterlife changes significantly; the afterlife began to be considered as a place of fear; filled with evil spirits. As a result, they began to bury their dead with ‘The Book of Dead’ that contained spells that help the dead navigate in the afterlife. According to Davies (29), it is wrong to use the term ‘resurrection’ when one talks about the Egyptian belief because the Egyptians believed in the four stages of life starting from birth, life, death, and rebirth where death is an opportunity for fulfillment, not a matter of negation. Consequently, for them, death rituals were meant to ensure easy transcending of the dead to afterlife. In fact, the beli efs of the Egyptians regarding death and after life were based on the cult of Isis that had its birth around fourth millennium BCE. According to the belief, death is followed by a long journey through a number of tests and trials. The ones who pass the tests are sure to enjoy eternal life. In fact, the Egyptians were optimists about afterlife. Now, a look into the Roman burial customs proves that though they shared certain similarities in burial practices, their basic ideology was entirely different from that of Egyptians in the beginning. The first point of difference is the fact that while Egyptians believed in an exquisite afterlife, there was no such doctrine among Romans that taught there is an afterlife for which the present body is to be preserved. So, for them, the dead
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Computerize Enrollment Essay Example for Free
Computerize Enrollment Essay This Chapter presents the proposed study all about. It also shows the problem that the proponents encountered during the research of the proposed study. Show the difference of the proposed system to the existing system. Introduction Most of educational institutional establishment today specially on those schools with specialization in teaching in the line of technologies are using computerized systems. It can help establishments or businesses to give more quality service to their customers. This can result in a system with well-integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system. Enrollment is the process of inputting and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. The Enrollment System is used so the school will have a record of information of a student, tracking or retrieving of their information will be possible. The verifying of payments and browsing of student bills is also the used of an enrollment system. Enrollment System is an example of computer generated process. This will lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the school. As the result this will not only benefit the students but also the employees of a certain establishment. The Enrollment System is very essential for a school. In the case of AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS, they are using a manual system composed of a pen and an application form. The student or an applicant definitely having some erasures, and an illegibly hand writing that makes the information inaccurate. Verifying of the inaccurate information will lead to some errors in the process of the enrollment. Above our observation, human interventions will highly involve in this type of system. As a result, this may involve errors and redundancy of data resulting troubles in organization. Background of the Study The AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS is an educational institution specialize in the line of technologies, giving quality education since 1990 they make their make name by the student who make the â€Å"I love you Virus†since then AMA has standards of giving the a best education in the line of Information Technology. The AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS has a population estimated of 400+ students from different courses and year level that currently studying this semester. AMA COMPUTER COLLEGE FAIRVIEW CAMPUS are using an acquaint system applicants or students constantly having a hard time filling up application forms and take a lot of time in the enrollment process. With the large population of students employees had to do a lot work. Statement of the Problem The proponents aimed to develop and sought to answer the following specific problems 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Name; 1.2 Age; 1.3 Gender; 1.4 Year Level; 1.5 Course; 2. What is the problems encountered in the existing system? 3. What is the possible solutions to avoid the problems in the existing system? 4. What is the difference of the existing system between the proposed system. 4.1; Accuracy 4.2; Convenience 4.3; Usefulness 4.4; Speed 4.5; User-friendly Hypothesis The proponents to have an analysis if there is a significance difference between the existing system and the proposed system in terms of accuracy, convenience, usefulness, speed, and user-friendly interface. Significance of the Study The study declare that the proposed system can be a great help to the following: Students. The proposed system can help the students to have a less time, effort on the enrollment process. Employees/Professor. The proposed system can help the employees less the work load and save a lot of time that were needed in the enrollment process Reputation Significance. The proposed system will improve the reputation of the school by leveling the kind of system to other universities. Scope and Delimitation of the Study The Study focuses on how the students and employees have a benefit of saving a lot of time, giving a less effort, reducing of human errors, accuracy and speed of deriving information. The Study is limited service when it come to online access of the users, compared to the Online Enrollment System of the University of Santo Thomas that users can access online. Definition of Terms To Understand the different terminologies that were used in the proposed study, the proponents had provided the following terminologies. Enrollment. is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. Computerized System. A process or operation integrated by using a computer or other devices. Online System. A process or operation that powered by the world wide web and accessible to any users that has an internet connection.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Study On World War II And Casablanca
Study On World War II And Casablanca Casablanca is a classic World War II movie set in December and in the year of 1941 in Casablanca, Morocco, which was the location for people seeking to find an exit port to depart to the United States in order to escape the terrible conditions of the war in Europe as well as the Nazi concentration camps. This movie was set before the involvement of the United States in World War II and the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The movie depicted the urban society with people belonging to the different ranges from low, middle and upper classes. There were also government officials such as Major Strasser, Captain Louis and the Czech nationalist Victor Laszlo. The characters are fictional, but they symbolize the different factors of World War II and their role during this time period. This film was produced in the year of 1942, which was the period when United States was awakened by the attack on their Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese air force and navy. This film demonstrates t he conditions in Europe and the importance of the letters of transit, which allowed people to travel freely in Europe and the hope it gave to their survival and their dream of reaching America. Also the film projects Gestapo, which was the official secret police of Nazi-Germany that arrested Victor Laszlow and took him to the concentration camps, where he had to endure through an agonizing experience, which was foreseen through the scarring on his face. Also the idea of the concentration camps was expressed by Victor Laszlo, who was prominently against Nazi Germany. Also the movie depicted the control and influence of Germany in the Vichy French government. The main message that this film portrayed was the idea of neutrality. This film expressed that during times of war, it was difficult for a country to stay out, because eventually there were events and circumstances that provoked and drove them into the conflict as well. As hard as it was for Rick, who was an American, to stay neu tral out of the European political conflict, he was eventually influenced and driven into the fight against Nazi-Germany with his friendship with the French police Captain Louis by the end of the movie. This film portrayed the shift of one man from neutrality into the European political conflict and his support for the pro-Free French and being anti-Vichy. Rich portrayed the United States, which was neutral until the attack on Pearl Harbor, which brought the American government to the edge of only declaring war and joining the sides of the allies in order to protect and bring justice to humanity. During the time of war, all of the characters in the film had different backgrounds and nationalities. All of these factors influenced the different motives and feelings that these characters had to endure during World War II. Nazi officials were very strict and arrested those who were suspected of espionage or treason against their form of government and rule. Rick Blaine was portrayed as an isolated character from the European conflict, but due to him having the letters of transit and killing the Nazi Major Strasser, he eventually became involved into the fight and gave motivation to others to fight along the side of the Allies in order to defeat Hitler. Before Rick Blaine came to Casablanca and became the owner of the cafà ©, he was active in the political world in Spain and Ethiopia, where he supported many groups of people against the fascist rulers in those two countries. Even though he expressed that he shared no feelings of the terrible conditions of the war in Europe, he wa s still internally not satisfied with the current type of political system. Since he always had a strong disapproval of a dictatorial government, he also disapproved of the conditions and the nature of the Nazi Germany and their way of ruling other countries such as France and Czechoslovakia. Rick evolved after being heartbroken by the departure of Ilsa, who went to live forever with her husband, Victor, who everyone thought died, but who was very lucky to have survived. Rick lost that happiness that used to show when he was with her. Even though they met again, but only to struggle and to fight their way through Europe in order to escape from the Nazis claws, who were constantly on their tail and it was the reason that Rick and Ilsa had to leave Paris in order to prevent getting into any further trouble or being arrested by the German forces after the Germans seized and captured Paris in a glimpse and developed the new form of regime called the Vichy. Victor Laszlow was a Czech nationalist, who was a journalist and wanted to express to the world about the deeds of Nazi Germany and how they broke the rules set by the League of Nations. He was frustrated as a citizen after Germany took over Czechoslovakia. He is a man of pure heart, who was willing to sacrifice his life in order to ensure that Ilsa arrived in the United States safely. After Victor Laszlow was arrested by the Gestapo, he had to endure through the difficulties of the concentration camps and made it out alive in order to ensure that no other man or women like him had to struggle through the pain of such cruel aggressors. Due to his experience, he became a strong and a brave man, who denied the fear of death and was not weakened by the intimidation of the Nazis. He only symbolized the devastation and fall of Germany. Mainly, he portrayed the heroic characteristics in a person, but most importantly he represented significantly as a resistance leader, who was willing do a nything in his power to destroy and defeat the Nazis from the fate of this world. He was an important factor and became a very valuable piece as he took the side of the Allies in his battle against justice and peace. Even though Rick wanted to leave with Ilsa in order to escape from this cruel hemisphere, he learned the importance of his existence as he sacrificed his love for Ilsa and took on the side of the Allies and in support of the Free French. At the end of the film, instead of departing with Ilsa, he gave the transit of letters to Ilsa and Victor so they can continue to reveal the truth of the Germans and their corrupt, political environment and succeed in their motives, while he decided to continue his political cause against an unjust government and the corrupt people who control it. Rick was going to start a new beginning through a new friendship by leaving his love behind. He was going to join Louis in a political alliance through becoming freedom fighters and aiding the Allies against their continual fight against the Central Powers. Rick and Louis became connected due to their similar beliefs and decisions to leave Casablanca for Brazzaville. Also Rick and Louis friendship was the r epresentation of American French alliance, which included French resistance groups and others who disliked the Germans. Despite the surrender and defeat of France to Germany, the underground resistance was still very strong and unified. However many people from France tried to escape the miserable rules of the Nazis, specifically after Germany took over Paris. The survival of the resistance holds more meaning by the end of the film than the preservation of love shared by Rick and Ilsa. Even though the Vichy French government limited the political independence, the French people still wanted to arise and take back their country. The Vichy government limited the rise of a powerful French nationalism due to the fact that many French officers took the side of the superior side that held power and disregarded the difference between right and wrong. Just like Louis transformation to a resistance idealist, many alike him will follow his path in order to ensure that they get their nation back. Even though Louis Ranaud served as the French police captain, but he failed to have the same amount of power compared to his superior Major Strasser or to any other German officer. He was portrayed as a French person, who represented the Vichy France and its influence on its French officers. Louis Ranaud was portrayed as a servant to the German empire and a person, who shared no feelings of his own and failed to understand the difference between right and wrong. Louis showed his act of loyalty only to the superior side, which was Germany in this case. Even though he expressed his loyalty for Major Strasser, but it was just an act in order to satisfy the German officers so they would not suspect him of being against their rule and this act also ensured his own survival and not being arrested or sent to the concentration camps for treason or ideas of resistance. Louis had to follow the commands of Major Strasser and in order to please him, he ended up arresting Laszlo and Ugarte and al so ended up closing Ricks bar in order to show his allegiance. The Vichy French government supported the Germans in their actions due to their fear of being put down by the strong German forces. Also the Vichy government had most of their power in the unoccupied French regions, mainly the Southern parts, where there were no German rule, but however in the regions of occupied France, the Vichy government could not overrule over the Germans laws and they could only enforce their the laws in these regions, if their laws did not contradict with the Germans ways. Even though this film provided a source of entertainment through the romance and drama, it also brought out some of the nature and conditions of World War II of 1942. With the comedy it provided, this film also portrayed the nature of the concentration camps due to the physical condition of Victor Laszlos face and his description of his struggle when he was there. Also the film displayed the Nazi secret police called the Gestapo. It also accurately expressed the existence of the Vichy government in France and their act of loyalty to Germany. As well as during the war and in the movie, many people were looking to escape to the United States or elsewhere in order to avoid the horrible environment of the war or being arrested by the Germans and being sent to the concentration camps. Many people did travel from France to Casablanca in order to escape to America from Lisbon, but letters of transit did not exist to serve as a pass to escape from Europe. The invasion of Paris by German forc es was accurate with the display of well equipped and trained German soldiers, who took over Paris with a surprise and that finalized the surrender of France to Germany. Also Germany capturing Czechoslovakia triggered the beginning of a conflict as other countries joined in order to protect the rights of small nations. With all of this expressed in the movie, the director did intend to capture and focus some of the historical period of World War II as well provide entertainment altogether. All the of addressed accuracies that exist in the movie as well as that happened during the period of the World War II are accurate with the information provided by historians and the encyclopedia of the period of World War II. During the period of World War II, United States not only was awakened by destruction of Pearl Harbor, but also realized the extent of European countries progress in industrialization and technology. Due to the lack of power and lack of involvement by major countries in the League of Nations, it was unable to provide any stability or protection when it was most needed. As of today, the United Nations is represented by nearly all of the countries and thus it has a force and power to tackle any problems around the world.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Essay --
Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an infection provoked by a group of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that reside on the exterior of people’s skin and inside of the nose. This bacterium is typically innocuous; however, it can cause infections in various parts of the body because is resistant to a number of commonly used antibiotics which makes the infection extremely difficult to cure. MRSA has several symptoms including infectious skin, but sometimes it can cause serious infections inside of the body. To diagnose MRSA most commonly a lab test is done to the infected area of the skin, but depending on the patients symptoms a urine, sputum, or blood test can be done. Accordingly, MRSA is treatable with exiguous antibiotics that are still effective, depending on the severity of the infection and its location in the body. Continually, Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacterium that lives in one’s body; nonetheless, it can be problematic if it gets inside of the body because it can cause an infection. MRSA can be spread from one person to another by skin to skin con... Essay -- Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is an infection provoked by a group of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria that reside on the exterior of people’s skin and inside of the nose. This bacterium is typically innocuous; however, it can cause infections in various parts of the body because is resistant to a number of commonly used antibiotics which makes the infection extremely difficult to cure. MRSA has several symptoms including infectious skin, but sometimes it can cause serious infections inside of the body. To diagnose MRSA most commonly a lab test is done to the infected area of the skin, but depending on the patients symptoms a urine, sputum, or blood test can be done. Accordingly, MRSA is treatable with exiguous antibiotics that are still effective, depending on the severity of the infection and its location in the body. Continually, Staphylococcus aureus is a common bacterium that lives in one’s body; nonetheless, it can be problematic if it gets inside of the body because it can cause an infection. MRSA can be spread from one person to another by skin to skin con...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
African People in the Global Village Essay
Certain things happen in one’s life, whether one likes them or not. You can not stand apart from it; you need to experience the process of going through it. Let me give the example of a car. It has two types of movements-forward movement and lateral movement. The energy (petrol, gas etc. ) relates to forward movement, without which the car can not start. You have no control over it. As for the lateral movement, you as the individual driving the car, have the control over its speed-you can drive it through the royal road, narrow lane, drive at 120 kms. per hour or just 30 kms- or not drive at all. Just lock it in the garage for days together! You are living in a changing world- very fast changing world. The modified lifestyles, due to industrial revolution, the modern materialistic civilization, the internet revolution, are mind-boggling. You need to run your race, accelerate the steps, clear the hurdles and move towards the goal. Stop in between at your own peril! Survival under tough conditions and competition are not magic. Nor an element of chance is involved. The wise saying goes, â€Å"When the going gets tough, the tough gets going. †Survival will be extremely difficult for the African people in the global village, unless tangible steps, all-comprehensive projects are drawn up and implemented with speed and imagination, by responsible leaders and people. The test of the leadership lies in involving the people actively and willingly in such projects. African people in the Global village- the summary: Africa is a big continent. The vastness of the area, multiplicity of ethnic conflicts, the fierce tribal loyalty prevailing even today, the religious factors, the difficult past, the historical factors some of which do exercise telling effect on the African society and mind-set even today, render the solution difficult. John K. Marah, who is the Associate Professor and Coordinator in the African and African-American Studies Department at SUNY at Brockport, makes a concerned and well-studied approach to offer solution in the book African People in the Global Village and the possible direction which they need to follow. Moreover, due to historical reasons, African people (the black race) are spread all over the Western World. They are a noticeable political force, an awakened society in Countries like USA. Marah categorically opines that it is no use brooding over the past, its failures and bitter memories. He does the examination of the present situation from an open-minded perspective. Confrontation at every stage is not going to help the cause of the African people. They have to know their place and find out the ways and means to evolve within the global village. He calls it ‘multidisciplinary approach and well-rounded understanding’. Right from the beginning of the book, Marah is aware that he is up to a difficult task, and the subject matter of the book, â€Å"African People in the Global Village,†can not be discussed in isolation. Yet, he takes the direct plunge into the serious subject matter. The book has neither a preface nor a forward. For a highly sensitive and complicated subject like this, author’s detailed background would have been a helpful factor, but that is not given in the book. The biographical sketch is not provided. Nevertheless, it is a determined and well-informed effort to broach the subject matter which is so vast viewed from tough, social, political, historical, economic and cultural perspectives. The problems are ever growing like the octopus expanding in many directions and only a radical solution like Pan-Africanism is the solution according to Marah. But, to define Pan-Africanism is not the easiest of the tasks. He concludes that African people have no other choice but to move forward at a rapid pace, with the qualities of head and heart-be dynamic without destruction! Marah begins his book on a tough note. â€Å"African Sensibilities in the Global Village. †He fails to give a clear message in this chapter– one can not expect him to do so. The subject matte is so vast, complicated and the concern of Marah to offer a desperate solution to a desperate situation can be seen. He realizes his limitations-the subject matter he is up to tackle can not be discussed in isolationâ€â€by referring to the conditions of the African people alone! Their so-called more fortunate brothers in America also have their own problems and deep fears on many vital and fundamental issues! It would be prudent to link the problems of the black people of America with the black people of Africa, as Marah rightly argues. At the end of the chapter he specifies, `in this book we examine the position of African people in Africa and the United States with particular emphasis on some of their salient predicaments in the global system†¦. ‘( Marah, 1998 p. 16). Having said this, Marah realizes about the uphill task ahead for him, for he fails to give appropriate solutions or alternatives. The discussions in the book naturally and essentially take him to outside Regions, where black race matters. In chapter 4, he discusses this aspect in detail. The black people issue is like the issue of a flowing river. It can not be discussed in parts. The river as a whole will have to be discussed to understand it. Its beginning, its course of flow and the area through which it passes, etc! Marah has a message for the black people and the leadership. Some inspiring political and economic leadership has to take over and lead, to achieve the set goal. He makes a case for the entry of socio-spiritual leadership to play its role, because what the Global Village Africa needs is not only fine projects but fine individuals to implement the projects-that is what he means when he says about the ability of the people to survive in a new environment. New skills are required to push ahead in such circumstances. The thought process of the people requires a new orientation and change. When the thoughts are changed, the mind is changed; when he mind is changed, the man is changed; when the man is changed, the society is changed; when the society is changed, the nation is changed; when several such nations are changed, the African continent will change for the better! Then only the African people in the Global Village will achieve plenty and prosperity. For survival, wherever may be it, certain basic skills are necessary, and African People in the Global Village, are no exception. Education gets top priorityâ€â€the ability to read with understanding. Speak boldly so hat others can understand and appreciate your problems. It is not that you expect sympathy from others; but in a democratic society, when your fundamental rights are guaranteed by the Constitution, you need not be condemned by anyone either-you need not live your life like a baked potato always. The majority of the ills of African People are due to poor response to globalization. This lethargy is frightening and it will continue to bother and trouble them in every aspect of life, unless something tangible is done as quickly as possible. African people will head for an economic and social disaster and moral doom, if they do no wake up and react speedily.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Catalase Lab Report
Investigating the effect of different environmental factors on the reaction of liver and hydrogen peroxide Table of Contents 1 Design3 1. 1 Variables3 1. 2 Safety and Environment3 2 Data Collection and Analysis3 2. 1 Collected Raw Data3 2. 2 Qualitative data5 2. 3 Processed Data5 2. 4 Graph on test tube 25 2. 5 Graph on test tube 36 2. 6 Errors6 3. Conclusion and Evaluation6 3. 1. Conclusion6 3. 2. Evaluation7 3. 2. 1. Random Errors7 3. 2. 2. Systematic Errors7 3. 3. Improvements7 Design Look to sheet titled: ‘Investigating the action of the enzyme catalase' 1 1. 1 Variables The independent variables are the acids used, the dependant variables the height of the bubbles formed and the control variables the test tubes used. 2 1. 2 Safety and Environment The safety and environmental precautions for this lab are quite strict. Wear safety goggles and a lab coat to avoid getting any acid on your person, and dispose of the acids in a sink with plenty of water. Collect the used liver samples and dispose of accordingly. 2 Data Collection and Analysis 1 2. 1 Collected Raw Data |Test tube |Height of bubbles (cm) | | | | |pH | | |30s | 30s |60s |90s |120s |150s |180s |210s |240s |270s |300s | |1 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 |0 | |2 |12,9 |13 |14,1 |13,3 |11,7 |10,4 |9,3 |6,7 |5,5 |5 | |3 |14,2 |10,8 |8,4 |6,9 |5,5 |7,5 |3,3 |3 |2,8 |2,7 | |4 |1,9 |1,9 |1,8 |1,4 |1,3 |1,3 |0,4 |0,2 |0,1 |0,1 | |5 |0,2 |0,2 |0,2 |0,1 |0,1 |0,1 |0,1 |0,1 |0,1 |0,1 | |6 |0,5 |0,6 |0,9 |1 |1,4 |1,6 |1,8 |2 |1,3 |1,4 | | 2 2. 4 Graph on test tube 2 3 4 2. 5 Graph on test tube 3 As can be seen from the two above graphs, test tube 3, which had the exact same conditions as test tueb 2 except for the surface area of the liver, had a much more vigourous reaction, due to the increased surface area of the crushed liver. 2. 6 Errors The only piece of equipment that is to be considered in error calculations is the ruler used which had an uncertainty of approx. Â ±0,2 cm. 3. Conclusion and Evaluation 3. 1. Conclusion The experiment was meant to create an artificial catalase reaction between the enzymes in the liver sample and hydrogen peroxide. The sample in test tube 2 reacted with the hydrogen peroxide and produced oxygen bubbles at a somewhat steady pace, while the sample in test tube 3 reacted vigorously at first and then slowed down as most of the enzyme had been used up. 3. 2. Evaluation 3. 2. 1. Random Errors The liver was quite hard to get into perfect ? cm3 cubes, as it tended to get squished when the knife was pressed down, making the sample larger lengthwise, but smaller height-wise. Also when the reaction was very rigorous, the oxygen bubbles sometimes lifted the liver out of the hydrogen peroxide, causing it to stop reacting with the hydrogen peroxide. While not a major issue, sometimes the time at which the results were checked were not exactly at the designated 30 second intervals, due to many things going on at once. 3. 2. 2. Systematic Errors The ruler we were using was quite old and dirty, with some of the finer millimeter markings rubbed off or obscured, leading to readings that were not as accurate as they could have been. The molarity of the chemicals used can also be put into question. 3. 3. Improvements The liver could be frozen or in some other way petrified to make the cutting easier and more precise. The liver should be checked constantly and adjusted back down with a glass rod if necessary. Enough time should be allocated to ensure that the experiment can be done in a calm and orderly fashion to avoid any oversights in the time taking. Clean and clear rulers should be used to measure the bubbles. The molarity of the chemicals should be checked with titration or some other form of double checking the molarity.
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